Year 6 Global Citizenship Project

6th November 2023

Year 6 Global Citizenship Project
Year 6 have been looking at the impact of music festivals on the environment. Pupils were horrified to hear that over 77% of people attending music festivals in the UK are leaving behind their tents at the end of the event. 90% of these end up in landfill. Pupils wanted to raise awareness of this issue and used their pupil voice to make a change! They wrote and posted letters to various large retailers asking them to raise awareness of the issue with customers by putting information on their products and websites.
This week, we received a lovely handwritten response from Charles Guth who is the E-Commerce Operations Leader at Decathlon! He was very impressed with the letters written by our pupils and decided to write back to them! He praised pupils for being fantastic global citizens. A copy of the letter has been added to the photos for you to read the response for yourself!
Congratulations Year 6!
Article 12: Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.

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