We at Holymead Primary School strive to nurture the wellbeing of the whole child, supporting the emotional and physical health and safety of the pupils in our care. Being a Rights Respecting School, ensuring pupil wellbeing is intrinsic in the day-to-day life of our school; we endeavour to support students in making healthy lifestyle choices and understand the effects that the choices we make have on our health and wellbeing through our PSHC curriculum and related policies and procedures.
In order to ensure that our pupils receive the best possible outcomes, Holymead Primary School has identified key members of staff with specific roles to play in supporting the wellbeing of our school community:
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Angharad Davies
Senior Mental Health Lead – Jo-Anne Head
Family Link Worker – Wendy Kelly and Gemma Roberts
SENDCos – Angharad Davies and Anna Lees
PSHC Leads – Liz Elston and Isabel Williams