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Extracurricular Activities

We offer different activities throughout the year. These may include Football, Dance, Netball, Cricket and Design and Technology Clubs. Staff give their own time to run these clubs as they see these activities as enriching children’s lives.

Year 2 Clubs

  • Singing Club - Term 1 and 2 for pupils in Year 2
  • Reading Club - Term 2 for pupils in Year 2
  • Cookery Club - Term 2 for pupils in Year 2
  • Woodwork Club - Term 2 for pupils in Year 2
  • Spanish Club - Term 6 for pupils in Year 2

Year 3 Clubs

  • Games Club - Term 1 for pupils in Year 3

Year 4 Clubs

  • Cross Country - Term 1 for pupils in Year 4 to Year 6
  • Choir - Term 1 and 2 for pupils in Year 4 to Year 6
  • Sewing - Term 5 for pupils in Year 4
  • Choir - Term 5 and 6 for pupils in Year 4 to Year 6

Year 5 and Year 6 Clubs

  • Tag Rugby - Term 1 for pupils in Year 5 and Year 6
  • Cross Country - Term 1 for pupils in Year 4 to Year 6
  • Choir - Term 1 and 2 for pupils in Year 4 to Year 6
  • Play Leaders - Term 1 and 2 for pupils in Year 5 and Year 6
  • Netball - Term 2 for pupils in Year 5 
  • Stages - Term 4 for pupils in Year 5 
  • Choir - Term 5 and 6 for pupils in Year 4 to Year 6
  • Play Leaders - Term 5 and 6 for pupils in Year 5 and Year 6

Year 6 Clubs

  • Netball - Term 3 to Term 6 for pupils in Year 6

We also offer activities for which a charge is made by outside agencies. These clubs include Dance, Cricket and Multi-Sports.

  • World Sport Ministries Dance - Termly for pupils in Year 3 to Year 6
  • World Sport Ministries Cricket - Termly for pupils in Year 3 to Year 6
  • World Sport Ministries Multi-Sports - Termly for pupils in Year 3 to Year 6

Swimming is part of the KS2 curriculum and we also select a swimming team that enters competitions throughout the year.

  • Year 4 swimming - Terms 1 and 2
  • Year 3 swimming - Terms 3 and 4
  • Year 5 swimming - Terms 5 and 6

We offer musical instrument tuition from Year 3 onwards. Please ask at the Junior site office for further information.

Instruments available:

  • Woodwind - flute and clarinet
  • Drumming
  • Keyboard
  • Guitar
  • Violin

A residential school camp is organised in KS2.