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Welcome To Year 4

The Year 4 Team:

  • Falcon Class - Miss Morris
  • Flamingo Class - Mr Gould
  • Fox Class - Ms Kosir

Year 4 Homework

Homework is given out on a Thursday and is due on the following Wednesday. 

Maths - One page of the Times Tables Book and Soundcheck games on TT Rockstars. The Times Table set will be different each week.

TT Rockstars

English - An English task to complete on Google Classroom.

Google Classroom

Spellings - Spellings for the term can be found on Google Classroom. Children will be tested on their spellings every Wednesday.

Year 4 PE 

In Term 4, PE is every Wednesday and Thursday for the first 4 weeks of term (Thursday 27th Feb, 6th, 13th and 20th March). In week 5 and 6, we will be back to doing PE on Monday and Wednesday. Please wear PE kit to school. 

Please make sure your PE kit includes: a plain top (plain white, purple or black),  shorts (warmer weather) or joggers (colder weather) and suitable footwear (daps or trainers). If a jumper is worn, it must be a school jumper (no hoodies please). 

TT Rock stars - Children should be going on TT Rock stars at least 3x a week. Please play Soundcheck games each week. 

TT Rockstars

Reading - Children should be reading at least 3x a week at home and recording this in their Reading Record. Super Readers read a range of genres including fiction and non-fiction. You could read chapter books, magazines, comics, fact books or even information about a certain topic online.