Welcome To Year 2
The members of staff who work in Year 2 are:
- Tamarin Class - Miss Twinem (Teacher), Mrs Wall (HLTA), Miss Lindsey (LSA), Mrs Murphy (Reading Teacher)
- Tiger Class - Mrs Thomas (Teacher), Mrs Wall (HLTA), Mrs Elliott (LSA), Mrs Murphy (Reading Teacher
- Toucan Class - Miss Strang (Teacher), Miss Dyer (LSA), Mrs Murphy (Reading Teacher)
Year 2 Homework
- Homework will be set every Friday on Google Classroom and is due in the following Wednesday.
- Please click 'mark as done' when completed.
- As part of their homework, we expect children to read their reading book, practise timestables on the TTRS app and practise their spellings. See below for details.
- The termly spelling overview is available on Google Classroom and is stuck into the back of their blue spelling books. Spellings will be tested every Friday.
- http://classroom.google.com
PE Days
PE kit should be worn on PE days.
- Tamarin Class PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Toucan Class PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
- Tiger Class PE days are Mondays and Thursdays.
Times Table Rockstars
- We expect children to practise at least three times a week for 10 minutes.
- https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth
- We expect children to read their home reading book with an adult at least three times a week. Children are encouraged to change their reading book independently.
- Please record any reading you do in your child's reading diary.
- Children will also have a shared reading book for you to read to your child. They can change this book as and when they want to.
- We have a reading shed under the canopy near the entrance of the Infant Site. It is open before and after school for you to engage in a book swap.
- We follow 'Unlocking Letters and Sounds' and 'No Nonsense Spelling' to support our teaching of spelling in Year 2.
- We also use 'Unlocking Letters and Sounds' to support our revision of phonics.