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Welcome To Year 1

The members of staff who work in Year 1 are:

  • Octopus Class - Miss Williams
  • Otter Class - Miss Bugg
  • Owl Class - Mrs Hunt and Mrs Knowles
  • Year 1 Support Staff - Mrs Cook, Mrs Withey, Mrs Shepherd, Mr Hicks, Mrs Loughney, Mrs Ballinger and Mrs Martin

Year 1 Homework


  • The expectation is that you listen to your child read at least 3 times a week.  
  • We work with your children to ensure they are provided with an appropriately levelled book.
  • We expect your child to read their book 3 times before we change it. This supports their comprehension and fluency. 


  • Spellings will take place from Term 2 onwards. These will be tested on Fridays. The list of spellings for each week will be sent out at the start of term. Please practise these during the week so that your child feels confident and prepared. 
  • When our spelling tests start, you will find your child's spelling book in their book bag. Please keep it there for them to use in school.


  • Numbots is a free app that you can download that develops your child's number fluency. 
  • Once their logins are set up, you will find these in the front of their reading record. Please speak to us if you need any support using the app. 

Extra Activities

  • We also provide optional activities linked to our current units that you can complete with your children. You can find these on the back of the termly overview which is sent home with the spellings. 


PE is carried out on the following days:

  • Octopus Class - Tuesdays
  • Owl Class - Mondays
  • Otter Class - Thursdays

Children need to come to school dressed in their PE kits on their PE days. As it gets colder, they should come to school wearing leggings or tracksuit bottoms.

Reading Morning

  • Year 1 reading morning takes place on Wednesdays.
  • This is a chance for you to come in and read with your child between 8.35-8.55. 

Phonics Term 1

This term we will be teaching the Phase 4 revision section from our Unlocking and Sounds scheme. From week 7 onwards, we will start the Phase 5 sounds.

  • Week 1: adding 's' and 'es' to nouns and verbs
  • Week 2: adding 'ing' to verbs
  • Week 3: adding 'ed' and 'er' to verbs
  • Week 4: adding 'er' to adjectives and using 'est'
  • Week 5: adding 'un' to verbs and adjectives
  • Week 6: reading words with contractions
  • Week 7: 'ay' 'ou' 'ie' 'ea' and the days of the week
  • Week 8: 'oy' 'ir' 'ue (in glue)' 'ue (in cue)'